GUYS (as of August 2005)
- Dan Allard - Senior- Port Moody SS, British
- Geoff Hamilton - Senior- Unionville SS
- Rolton Edwards - Junior - Aurora HS
- Aaron Charbonneau - Sophomore - Ursuline College
- Chatham
- Chris Robbbb - Junior - Parkside CI, St Thomas
- Ben Koh - Sophomore- Williams SS, Aurora
- Jason Lagree - Sophomore - Assumption CSS,
- Dave Lopez -Sophomore - North Carolina
- Mitch Stieman - Freshman - CheerForce WolfPack
- Dan May - Sophomore - Milton
- Dave Slickter - Freshman - PCT Cobras
- Travis Stirrat - Freshman - Ultimate Cheer
- Kyle Gadke - Sophomore - Transfer - Misouri
Valley CC
WOMEN (as of August 2005)
- Stephanie Farkas - Senior - Morristown HS/Star
Athletics All-Stars, New Jersey
- Kadi Gore - Junior - Ursuline College, Chatham
- Allison Chen - Junior - Mary Ward, Scarborough
- Amanda Cipolla - Junior - St Roberts,
- Stacey Beekhoo - Junior- PCG Vipers, JPII,
- Anna Suckling - Junior- Newmarket HS
- Sarah Lovell- Junior- Cheer Force Wolf pack,
- Christine Dorrepaal - Junior - Anderson CVI,
- Taryn Bedesky - Sophomore - Notre Dame College
- Welland
- Sarah Jarrell - Sophomore - Regiopolis-Notre
Dame, Kingston
- Lindsay Castle - Sophomore - Aurora HS
- Renee Mahoney - Freshman - CheerForce WolfPack
- Kelly Levac - Sophonore - Sudbury
- Erika Schulze - Freshman - South CI - London
- Emily Beggs - Sophomore - Oakridge - London
- Sasha Silva - Freshman - Holy Cross - Kingston
in Downtown Louisville
- O-Week Frosh Picnic ..................................... Post Homecoming issue
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