2017 PCACN Score Sheet (pdf)
The Collegiate Intermediate Division uses the USASF Level 4 rules and stunt/tumbling parameters. Teams that may enter other events offering a collegiate Intermediate (or novice) division, must confirm the guidelines with that event producer. Collegiate Intermediate Scoring Guidelines (pdf)
Collegiate Divisions at the PCACN use the USASF Level 6 rules and stunt/tumbling parameters. Large Coed Guideline/Grid - Small Coed Guidelines/Grid - All-Girl Guidelines/Grid (pdf). The Open L6 Coed and All-Girl Divisions use the USASF Level 6 rule set.
Open 4.2 Division(s) use the applicable USASF Level 4 and Level 2 tumbling rule sets.
Deduction Sheet (Performance)Sample - Deductions/Routine Infractions Explained - Safety/Rule Deduction Sheet
NOTE: The score sheets and system was selected because of it's simplicity and easy of application. If a coach or team official sees a possible error, typo or omission, please contact PCA for clarification and/or correction. PCA in no way wishes to create confusion or apply a rule set that is unfamiliar to the majority or the event's participants. PCA reserves the right to edit, correct or clarify the score system pages.