Some quick but very important notes regarding the 2004 Canada's Wonderland PCA Cheerleading Competition
Coach and team members who read this page, please make sure all of your teammates understand how the competition works. Due to the large number of teams involved, coupled with the limited warm-up space, we cannot have all teams arrive first thing in the morning and commence their on site preparations for the competition.
The day is divided into 3 major groupings which are in turn sub-divided into 30 minute schedule blocks.
We will be using a double panel with alternating divisions interlaced in the performance order, which will allow optimal speed of the overall event, with minimal down time between teams. We estimate a 3 minute performance window for each team. Thus, within your 1/2 hour time block, you can roughly calculate your performance time. Due to the "floating" nature of Wonderland entries each year, we have found that last minute no-shows and drop outs can alter your specific time slot by as much as 3 minutes. ALL teams are required to know their time block, and be in the area 60 minutes before it.
1. Download the performance time schedule:
It is an Excel spreadsheet. Open it on your computer. It will not appear in your browser window.
2. Upon arrival at Wonderland, have a team coach or representative, sign in for the team at the PCA Event Kiosks at the upper level of the Kingswood Music Stage area. Even if you compete later in the day, please sign in and let us know you are there. Pick up an UPDATED PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE from the PCA kiosk.
3. Locate your team and note the 1/2 hour time block you are listed under (ie. Langstaff SS is in the 110:00-11:30 block). Teams are asked to be at the Kingswood Music Stage warm-up area no later than ONE HOUR prior to their posted performance time block. There will be two event marshals at the practice area with head-sets in communication with the on stage staging personelle. Please report in to these marshals when warming up.
4. After you have stretched and prepped in the warm-up area, your team is required to report to the stage-side entry ramp (to the right of the stage as you face the performance floor). ALL teams are responsible for knowing who is on stage when in the pre-performance holding pattern. Cross reference the team on stage, with the schedule you print from this site. Have YOUR TEAM, on the ramp, 3-4 teams back of the team presently on the stage.
5. Coaches/Advisors are to stay WITH THEIR TEAMS while on the ramp and up onto the back stage pre-performance queue. Team COACHES/ADVISORS will push play on the music CD at the sound station which is located ON THE STAGE just steps from where you are lining up. It will be very obvious, once you get onto the large side stage area.
6. Teams exit the performance mat to the opposite side of the stage from which they entered. They will be handed a participation plaque as they exit.
7. All team scores will be posted on the wall to the left of the stage (as you face it). You are not required to remain in Kingswood for your entire division. Upon completion of each division, the top 3 teams may pick up their trophies at the AWARDS TABLE. There is no on stage awards presentation at this event.
Some BIG TIPS to help you have a better day at the park.
1. If your team is not performing prior to 11:30, please DO NOT arrive at the gates between 9:00-10:00. The large number of athletes always bottleneck at the entry points and it often happens that teams who MUST be getting in (to compete early), are delayed by large numbers of teams who compete LATER in the day. Please note that the rides do not even get turned on until AFTER 10:00am. PLEASE be thoughtful of the early teams.
TIP: If you arrive just a bit later (like after 10:00-10:30am), you actually spend WAY less time lining up to get into the park.
2. If your division is well into the yourself a BIG FAVOUR and show up in the mid-late morning. It will make your morning departure from home go better (esp. if you think you need to meet at 5:00am, just to get into the park), plus it will be WARMER and your team won't be so burned out by the time they get to compete. The park will be open until 8:00pm. So relax.
3. WEAR WARM CLOTHES. Regardless of the weather is always chilly at Kingswood. Do not have your team freeze up by arriving at the park in their skimpy cheerleading uniforms, particularly if you compete later in the day. There are huge bathrooms to change in, right at Kingswood. And YES, you can leave the park and get back in, if you don't want to carry your gear around with you all day.
If you have questions regarding Tickets, entry forms, money or park issues: call Wonderland (905) 832-7400
If you have RULES or performance questions, click | HERE for RULES | or call PCA: 1-800-567-PCA1 (7221)
If all of this is new to you and you wish your team had a leg up on it all...