
There will be a performance area set up at a location near the Kingswood Music Theatre stage (TBA) where the partner stunt groups will perform. It will be 12' deep x 20' wide (non-sprung).

This stunt competition is being offered such that teams can have a second component to Wonderland Competition aside from the team event on the main stage. It is designed to a fun and entertaining showcase for some of the more accomplished stunt groups at the event. This is NOT designed to be the difinitive be-all world championships of partner stunting. As such, there will not be exhaustive score sheets and scoring systems nor will there be 'feedback' or official event DVDs. It is just a fun minute of showing your stuff.

SCORING: The judges will score the groups: 10 points for content/difficulty and 10 points for execution.

LEVEL: All stunt groups may perform skills up to Level 5. You must provide your own spotters for the partner stunt group(s)

TIME LIMIT: 60 seconds. All athletes must start with both feet on the ground.

MUSIC: There will be a small sound sytem set up beside the performace area. Each team/group must provide it's own person to start/stop the music. We HIGHLY recommend that the CD only have ONE track on it. ie. please don't use another routine's music then hit stop at the one minute mark.

AWARDS: Awards for first, second and third place will be handed out at the awards table in the Kingswood area, roughy 15 minutes after the final group performs in each section.

SECTION 1: Junior Quad Groups: will perform between 12:00 noon and 1:00pm ("Junior" = Junior All-Star and Schools combined)

SECTION 2: Senior Quad Groups: will perform between 1:00pm and 2:00pm ("Senior" = Senior All-Star and Schools combined)

REGISTRATION for the partner stunt competition:

a. Download the PARTNER STUNT QUAD COMPETITION Registration form (pdf). Fill it in completely and FAX to PCA: 519•668•7970

b. Upon arrival at the Kingswood Music Theatre, you MUST report to the Registration Kiosk to select a performance time. You may perform before or after your team competes (depending on when they are scheduled in their respective divisions). YOU select your performance time and must report to the Partner Stunt performance area with enough lead time that the floor marshal and judges can organize you in the order.

c. This competition is FREE to teams that are competing in the Team competition. If you have a Quad Group that wishes to enter the stunt competition but are from a team that is NOT competing at Wonderland - you MUST register and be ticketed via the groups sales people. Use the team Registration Form and clearly indicate that you are only entering the Stunt Competition.

d. Multiple Groups from the same team may enter but athletes may only compete on ONE quad group per team/school. Please submit a seperate form for each Quad group you are entering. Also, please bring a copy of the Entry form with you to the Kingswood Music Stage Registration Kiosk on the day of the competition.

WEATHER: The Quad Competition will take place in an open area of the park outside of the Kingswood Music Theatre. We do NOT have a covered facility for back-up in case of bad weather and all teams must accept that the competition MIGHT have to be delayed or cancelled if wet conditions prevail. The go/no go decision will be made on site on Saturday May 9th.