University Nationals Score Sheet - 2004/05

Technical Skills 40 Points

Point Breakdown for Technical Skills

 Stunts - 10 pts | L -M - H

 Pyramids 10 pts  | L -M - H

 Basket Tosses/Jumps 10 pts | L -M - H

 Tumbling 10 pts | L -M - H

- stunts (including mount & dismount methods)

- pyramids (including mount & dismount methods)

- tumbling (difficulty, execution, number of athletes involved, frequency)

- jumps (difficulty, execution, number of athletes involved, frequency)

- basket tosses and other forms of (group) tosses (difficulty, execution, number of athletes involved, frequency)

- degree of difficult & execution

- transitions and combinations (stunt-stunt, stunt-pyramid, tumble/stunt etc)

- technical form and skill mastery

* L-M-H refers to Low/Medium/High degree of difficulty, execution, ratio of time and athlete involvement.

Routine Skills 30 Points

- design and execution of routine

- formations, spacing, use of floor

- use of music

- dance

- transitions

- synchronization, group technique, timing

- motions

- creativity

Safety, Spotting and Infractions 10 Points

- were skills safe and/or spotted correctly

- was the team/coach prudent in the selection of material

- 2 pt deduction for uncontrolled falls

- 2 pt deduction for rule infractions, use of illegal skills or prohibited stunts, elements or props

Overall Impression 20 Points

- perfection of the routine

- facial expression, personality

- enthusiasm

- the big picture

- impact of the whole presentation

Regarding drops, falls and wobbles. Minor stumbles and incidental minor contact with the floor will not be considered "falls". Rather, such errors are assessed under "execution" flaws. All judges have the latitude to evaluate the severity of a fall and score it accordingly. Stunts, pyramids or skills which require the (external) spotters to engage will be assessed per situation re. Controlled or Uncontrolled. Likewise, judges have the latitude to assess the wisdom of including a skill in the routine with respect to safety and execution even if the maneuver is "legal". These assessments are NOT open to debate or appeal and in most cases the judges will favour lesser penalties over greater.

See also: UNCC 2004-05 Rules and Regulations

Note 2 - If you find a typo or something that seems in error, please report it via email to

Thank you for helping.