Division Team Perf. 1 Perf. 2 Sprung Floor
AS Youth I PCG Vipers 5:00 6:30 Group 1-4:00
Coed III PCT Cobras 5:03 6:33 Group 1-4:00
AS Youth I PCT Cobras 5:06 6:36 Group 1-4:00
Coed III St Mary's HS 5:09 6:39 Group 1-4:00
HS SV II Uxbridge 5:12 6:42 Group 2-4:10
HS LV III Abbey Park 5:15 6:45 Group 2-4:10
HS SV II St Mike's 5:18 6:48 Group 2-4:10
HS LV III Saugeen DSS 5:21 6:51 Group 2-4:10
HS SV II Thorold SS 5:24 6:54 Group 2-4:10
HS LV III White Oaks SS 5:27 6:57 Group 2-4:10
AS Sr II Lady Hawks 5:30 7:00 Group 3-4:20
AS Youth II PCG Vipers 5:33 7:03 Group 3-4:20
AS Sr II Black Widow 5:36 7:06 Group 3-4:20
AS Jr II Cobourg Vibe 5:39 7:09 Group 3-4:20
AS Sr II Spirit All Stars 5:42 7:12 Group 3-4:20
AS Jr II PCG Vipers 5:45 7:15 Group 3-4:20
AS Sr II PCT Cobras 5:48 7:18 Group 4-4:30
AS Jr II Spirit All-Stars 5:51 7:21 Group 4-4:30
AS Sr II PCG Vipers 5:54 7:24 Group 4-4:30
AS Jr II PCT Cobras 5:57 7:27 Group 4-4:30
AS Sr II Sarnia Phoenix 6:00 7:30 Group 4-4:30
S Jr II* Lawfield MS 6:03 7:33 Group 5-4:40
AS Sr III PCG Vipers 6:06 7:36 Group 5-4:40
Youth Mini PCG Vipers 6:09* *one run only Group 5-4:40
AS Sr III Black Widow 6:12 7:39 Group 5-4:40
AS Sr III PCT Cobras 6:14 7:43 Group 5-4:40
    Judge Break Awards  
In keeping with the spirit of sharing and camaraderie, the traditional "sound check"
will be replaced with 5 "groupings". Teams will share the floor for tumble and jump
familiarization. Coaches of the respective teams will direct traffic with the chief elf.
The practice room will have a 2 mat wide foam sprung tumble strip plus multiple
2 and 3 mat wide warm up mat areas. Teams will cycle through the 3 mat and tumble
strip in the order in which they perform. Teams must report to the practice gym no
later than 15 minutes before their performance time.