- Christmas Competition Mix by MUSIC 4U -


FINAL SCORES: Mini - Youth and Junior Divisions - as Web page | as excel download | --- | Senior Divisions - as web page | as excel download |

The Parent division results are being examined by an external review board amid swirling controvercy of steriod abuse, ineligible players and something to do with an elf. This issue may take months if not years to resolve. All parties involved are hoping to avoid receiving a lump of coal in their stockings this Christmas.

DATE: Saturday December 16, 2006

Doors open for Athletes and Spectators: Morning. 10:00 am

GROUP WARM UP time is open and shared on the performance mat. Teams are expected to share the space

PERFORMANCE TIMES: | As Web Page | as downloadable xls | NOTE: times may change slight prior to competition day

Competition Runs: 12:00noon - 4:15-pm

NEW 2006 SITE: Catholic Central High School - 450 Dundas St @ Colborne - LONDON, On | Google Map to CCH | Excellent gym, warm up areas and seating |

FEATURING: a 42' x 54' mat (9 strips) mat floor. ALL teams perform twice (except minis...they go once, then Santa's helpers hand out the awards). Parent teams also mercifully perform once only.

Competition Rules: Consult the PCA Competition Rules link page as well as the USASF Rules and Safety Guidelines pages. If you have any questions or are uncertain of any aspect of the competition, please call the PCA office: 10800-567-7221

Divisions Offered: | PCA Divisions Explained |

All-Star Divisions

 Levels Offered

 Mini (8 Yrs of age and younger)  2      
 Youth (11 Yrs of age and younger)  2  3  4?  
 Junior (14 Yrs of age and younger)    3  4  
 Small Senior All-Girl (18 Yrs of age and younger no males, 20 person limit)    3  4  5
 Large Senior All-Girl (18 Yrs of age and younger no males, 21+ members)    3  4  5
 Small Co-ed (1-4 males, 18 Yrs of age and younger, unlimited team size)    3  4  5
 Large Co-ed (5+ males, 18 Yrs of age and younger, unlimited team size)    3  4  5

PARENT DIVISION: one run. Entry Fee: $50.00 per team. The top team keeps the pot to go toward their respective club's fund raising account. No Entry form required, just give us a call and let us know you are coming (and we will have the paramedics standing by). ELIGIBILITY - you must have a kid on a team at the club you represent... But really, who's checking?

School Division

 Levels Offered

 Primary (Grades 6 and under)


 Junior (Grade 8 and under)


 3  4  
 Small Senior All-Girl (Gr 9-12 no males, 20 person limit)    3  4  5
 Large Senior All-Girl (Gr 9-12 no males, 21+ members)    3  4  5
 Small Co-ed (1-4 males, Gr 9-12, unlimited team size)    3  4  5
 Large Co-ed (5+ males, Gr 9-12, unlimited team size)    3  4  5

NOTE regarding Divisions and combining divisions: Division availability will be based on demand.. PCA reserves the option to combine or group divisions to optimize the competition. Teams in affected divisions will be notified prior to the competition. When necessary, divisions of the same LEVEL will be combined, before divisions of differing levels and only after the affected teams are informed of the descision.. Please apply early to assist us in this process.

Entry Fee: $10.00 per athlete. (3 coaches/drivers/trainers per team attend for free)

Entry Fee For MINI TEAMS ONLY: $5.00 per athlete. (3 coaches/drivers/trainers per team attend for free)

Late Fee: See bottom of entry form.

Spectator Admission: $5.00 for everyone over the age of 7. (under 7: free)

| Entry Form (as pdf) |

If you require additional information, please call PCA

1-800-567-PCA1 (7221) - Local: (519) 434-1037 - Fax: (519) 668-7970
